MVMX Track Safety & Rules
Track etiquette and safety tips video
Understanding motocross safety flags
MVMX Track and Grounds Rules
*All riders must be active members to ride the track
A membership form must be filled out and a one time membership fee must paid at the riders first visit of the season.
MVMX RULES for Practice and Race Days
Track Rules
We want all riders and spectators to have a fun, safe time at MVMX. THESE RULES ARE IN PLACE FOR YOUR SAFETY AND THE SAFETY OF ALL OTHERS. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.
Any person who violates these rules could be asked to leave and/or appropriately sanctioned.
1. Riders that DO NOT check in and sign all appropriate waivers and/or membership forms will be considered trespassing. Any rider that is caught deliberately entering the track without first registering at check-in desk will be as to leave from MVMX. Multiple offenses from rider, he/she may be banned and/or prosecuted. No family member, friend or mechanic may ride at any time without first registering at check-in desk.
2. Riders under the age of 18 years old must sign in conjunction with parents or legal guardian the Minor Release/Participation form.
3. Parents or legal guardians MUST remain present at all times during the participation of an MVMX practice or race
4. No family member, friend, mechanic, spectator or photographer may enter the track area at any time. Anyone who violates this rule will be asked to leave immediately. The rider they accompany will be suspended from all practice and race sessions indefinitely.
5. All riders must wear appropriate, approved protective gear including helmet, boots, goggles, gloves, pants and jersey. It is highly recommended that chest and back protection be worn by all competitors. It is recommended that riders use the available protective equipment (i.e. gloves, chest protector, neck brace and knee braces) to help protect against the possibility of injury
6. Pit riding is permitted for transportation NOT entertainment.
7. NO bike testing in pit area.
8. 1st gear to and from track.
9. Helmets MUST be worn by anyone on the track. MINORS must have a helmet on anytime a motorcycle/electric bike/atv is being used on premises. (Idaho Law)
10. All pets must be leashed, monitored and under control at all times on leash not exceeding 8 feet long. If your dog is secured to a vehicle, RV and/or approaches and causes injury to any person in any manner, you will be responsible and liable for all expenses incurred by the injured.
11. Parents and/or guardians are responsible at all times for their children. Parents are responsible for ensuring all children follow the track rules.
12. MVMX is a Drug Free facility. Anyone who is riding under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave.
13. NO swimming, fishing or playing around the canal.
14. NO climbing on any fence on the property, particularly the track fence. No climbing over track fence.
15. NO firearms are permitted within MVMX.
16. NO fireworks are permitted within MVMX.
17. NO open campfires.
18. NO littering. If you see trash on the ground, please help us by picking it up. We want to maintain a clean facility and ask for your help in doing so.
19. DO NOT dump oil, gas, solvent, gray or black water on the ground. It is illegal to dump on the ground and if caught, you will be in violation of Federal and State EPA laws.
20. DO NOT drop your used tires at MVMX we do not want them.
21. Only enter the track from designated areas. Riding the track against normal traffic flow is prohibited. Cutting across the track is prohibited.
22. MVMX officers reserve the right to ask you to exit the track if you present a danger to yourself or others while riding.
23. MVMX is NOT responsible for stolen or missing items. Please lock your possessions up.
24. MVMX is NOT responsible for damages caused by shade structures. Please secure your shade structure.
25. DO NOT leave the fenced MVMX Motocross property at any time to explore other areas. YOU WILL BE TRESPASSING, ASKED TO LEAVE AND/OR PROSECUTED.
26. If you arrive at MVMX after hours DO NOT sleep at the front gate.
27. Please try to leave MVMX better than it was when you arrived. If you have a great time, tell a friend. If you do not have a great time, tell us so we can do better. Thank you for your support – we could not do this without YOU. Hope to see you soon!
Flag Meanings for Riders and Volunteer Flagman